Redeeming my reserach at Hokkaido University

I had been (a sort of) personal sabbatical leave from April to May 2016. It was really great to refresh my mind and crystalize what I truly pursuit in my future academic career. 

Finally I got to Hokkaido University, one of most beautiful research campus in Japan. I plan to work as a facilitator in JST CREST funded reserach project entitled "Foundations of mathematical dermatology based on mathematical modeling" in order to challenge the burden between medical science and applied mathematics. By working with researchers in dermatology and anatomy in medical school and nano biomechanics in engineering department, I will tackle a fundamental question, "how we sense touch in our skin" through analyzing responses in mechanoreceptors in the skin (keratinocytes, sensory afferent terminals and of course Merkel cells). 

My academic prompt jump from Tokyo To Sapporo is gonna be fantastic. I hope this leap will end up large success in my academic goal for elucidating human tactile perception at cellular, neural and cognitive levels.

Full of blossom at the campus in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Full of blossom at the campus in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan